All funeral directors are legally required to publish this Price List for a standardised set of products and services. This is to help you think through your options and make choices, and to let you compare prices between different funeral directors (because prices can vary).
We also offer flexible finance options through our partner, Funeral Safe, who offer Unsecured loans from £500 to £10,000 with repayment over 12 months to 5 years and are fully authorised and regulated by the FCA.
To check eligibility and look over loan and payment options, please visit our dedicated page here:
F.P. GAUNT & SONS LIMITED is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Funeral Safe Limited for the purpose of credit broking introductions only. Our firm reference number is 814102.
Funeral Safe Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm reference number 765110 as a lender and broker.
If there are insufficient funds for the funeral, you may be eligible for help with the funeral costs from The Department of Work and Pensions.
To qualify for help the applicant (not the deceased) must be in receipt of the following:
You may also be eligible if you're getting a Support for Mortgage Interest loan. You can still claim Funeral Expenses Payment if you've applied for these benefits and you're waiting to hear about your claim.
A funeral payment will not cover all of the funeral expenses and there is no guarantee of acceptance. If your claim is successful, the payment will be made directly to the Funeral Director.
If you are not in receipt of any of the qualifying benefits then alternatively you may be able to seek help from a charity, please speak to your Funeral Director for more information.
It is important that you are honest and upfront with your Funeral Director so we can try and help you in the most appropriate way and act in your best interest at all times. Any information you choose to provide us with will be treated with the strictest confidence.